Please note that the Covenant Service on 5 January will be held at 9.00 am.

Senior Adult Ministry

Mission / Vision

  1. To Bring People to Christ, fulfilling The Great Commission: Matt. 20:16-20.
  2. To practice ministry to each other in the community.
  3. Helping members understand and recognize their continued value & dignity in the body of Christ.
  4. To Facilitate Healthy Living

What we do

  • Home Visitations
    1. Bringing the Church to the Home-bound
    2. Meeting the needs of the Senior Community
    3. Prayer and Fellowship
  • Organize Talks / Workshops
  • Organize beneficial activities for the senior community
  • Pastoral counseling.

Frequency of meetings

  • Quarterly to Half-yearly Ministry level meets
  • Regular Home Visitations or when necessary by our visitation teams.


Pastor Nelson:


Jasmine: (+65 6782 9124 ext.11)