Please note that the Covenant Service on 5 January will be held at 9.00 am.

Planning A Visit

We Welcome You!

Chapel Of Christ The Redeemer is an inter-generational church located inside St. Hilda’s Schools. We welcome you to grow with us as we seek, serve and share Christ. 

Here is some information that will assist you in having a pleasant experience at our church.

What To Prepare

There’s nothing to prepare! Just come with an open heart and be sure to let our ushers know that you are new to the church so that we can warmly welcome you!

Interested In Our Physical Service?

Due to the current Covid situation, we need to limit the number of worshippers at each service. Kindly register yourself to join our physical service.

Register physical service here

Do note that slots are limited and it will be on a first-come-first-served basis.

Bringing Children?

Our Sunday School is held on every Sunday from 10.15am to 11.30am. Our friendly Sunday School teachers will receive your children at the St. Hilda’s Secondary School canteen. 

How To Get Here

Please enter via St. Hilda’s Secondary School entrance.

If you are driving, please note that you have to enter via Tampines Street 82.

Feel free to use Google Maps where you can easily find the exact route.

Here are some video directions that can help you find your way to our church.

Online Service

Our live-streaming of Sunday Service starts at 8:30am and you can join us here.
